
Heya, this is Ritwik!!

I am currently working at LinkedIn. Previously, I was a Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat in Performance and Scaling team. My work and interests are mostly related to Software Development and Research. I regularly contribute to Open source and I am always eager for new ideas and opportunities to work on. Recently, I worked on a Deep Learning model that is based on the Convolutional Neural Network, trained on top of pre-trained word vectors (Word2vec). It is a part of an Internal Site at LinkedIn for Sentiment Analyses of LinkedIn related tweets. At LinkedIn, I have worked mostly in Backend involving web, infrastructure tooling, monitoring and metrics related softwares, etc.

Things apart, I love Coffee, chocolates, Cosmology, movies, Basketball, books, Lamborghini, MUSIC and a lot of many things. I like connecting with people and making friends ;)

More Information

You can find more about me here: My Personal Homepage

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